The Scrappyland Archive
Here are all our Scrappyland posts to date in reverse chronological order, from the latest news to our original items from 2005:
- Scrappyland is 20
- RIP Michael Schlesinger, a True Friend of Scrappy
- Stanchfield on Scrappy
- Scrappyland, Now With Even Less Color
- The Art of Yippy, or Possibly Woofus
- Scrappy Abandons Twitter
- Season’s Greetings from Charles Mintz
- Scrappy Hankies
- Ub Iwerks’ Scrappy
- Scrappyland the Newsletter
- Take a Letter, Scrappy
- Scrappyland 3.0 is Here
- The Adventures of F. Heath Cobb
- The Scrappy Doll in His Natural Setting
- The Rest of the Scrappy Comic Strip. Finally!
- Osamu Tezuka’s Scrappy (More or Less)
- Say Kids, What Time is It?
- Scrappy Pushes the Envelope
- When Scrappy Brought Good Things to Life
- Scrappy Filmography, Now With Scrappy Cartoons
- Scrappy and Krazy to the Rescue
- Charles Mintz’s Staff Sends Off Phil Davis
- Scrappy for Sale
- At Last, the Scrappy Comic Strip Part Four
- Scrappy is Ninety
- A Small Scrappy Art Bonanza
- The Vaccine Mascot Who Looked Kind of Like Scrappy
- Meet Gury, the Oopy of Brazil
- Scrappy Mystery Graffiti
- Al Kilgore’s Scrappy
- Scrappyland is 15
- In Search of Scrappy Cels
- Scrappy Tie-Ups Galore
- The Scrappy Pull Toy Was Everywhere
- Scrappy goes to Penney’s
- Scrappy Sayings: The Even More Lost Episodes
- The 861 Seward Story
- Maybe All Scrappy Art is Mystery Art
- A Brief Visit to Casa Mintz
- Remembering Dr. Richard Huemer
- The Somewhat Less Incompleat Scrappy Sayings
- Inside 7000 Santa Monica Blvd.
- Scrappy at Home
- Jane Withers, Scrappy, and Scrappy
- Gaba Gaba Hey!
- Some Scrappy Art I Probably Won’t Be Buying
- The Saga of 1154 N. Western Ave.
- Hey, Maybe Will Eisner Drew Scrappy After All
- Wow! More on Scrappy, Will Eisner, and Jerry Iger
- Scrappy in the Race
- Still More Scrappy Mystery Art
- Who Drew the Scrappy Strip?
- Housekeeping Note
- The Scrappy Comic Strip: Part Three
- Land of the Rising Son
- Merry Christmas (Among Other Holidays) From Scrappy
- The Story of Sally O’Neil
- Etcheverry on Scrappy (and Oswald and Toby)
- Scrappy and Oswald: Together Again
- The Heroic Exploits of Scrappy
- What Oopy and Yippy Were Doing in 2004
- Scrappy II: The Adventure Continues
- Breaking News About Scrappy’s Hands
- The Scrappy Comic Strip! (Part One)
- The Elusive Scrappy Runkel Wrapper, Captured
- Scrappy and Eugene: The Photographic Evidence
- Scrappy Got Milk
- All Hail Cora Sue Collins
- The Boy Who Was Scrappy
- The Long-Lost Scrappyland Video
- Scrappy Goes GIF
- What Price Scrappy?
- Weekend at Oopy’s
- Scrappy, Edith, and Jackie: Together Again
- The Saga of 7000 Santa Monica Blvd.
- What if Scrappy Had Lived?
- Scrappy at the 1933 Chicago World’s Fair
- The Marvelous Mystery Scrappy Artist of Peterson Manufacturing
- More About Scrappy and Wanton Violations of Prohibition
- Scrappy Mintz, Master Brewer
- Scrappy’s Going to Bermuda
- A Columbia Art Extravaganza
- Behold a Beautiful Scrappy Poster
- The Fabulous World of Scrappy Neckwear
- At Last, Scrappy’s Own Magazine
- The Art of the Charles Mintz Pinback Button
- Your Scrappy Franchise Department at Work
- Mutual Endorsement
- Shorty Splashes
- An Odd Visit to the Mintz Studio
- Meet Shorty
- Oh, Scrappy, You Card
- Scrappy Goes to the Circus
- How Scrappy Saved Early TV
- “The Ultimate Depression-Era Cartoon”
- The Incompleat Scrappy Sayings
- When Scrappy Was Unavoidable
- Scrappy and Eugene
- Bogie & Scrappy: The Inevitable Team-Up
- Mintz on Mintz
- Scrappy in the Rough
- Selling Scrappy
- More Scrappy Puppet Theater Fun
- Scrappy’s Radio Days
- Scrappy Portraiture
- Scrappy and the Stooges, Together Again
- Huemer Draws the President
- Lester Gaba, Michelangelo of the Bathtub
- Truly, the Fourth Stooge
- The Long-Awaited Return of Zadoc
- The Enigma of Zadoc
- First National Bank of Scrappy
- Scrappy: Fun For the Whole Family
- Yet Another Kid Who Loved Scrappy
- Scrappy Mystery Art
- Another Scrappy Artifact of the Day
- Scrappy Artifact of the Day
- In Memoriam: Charles Mintz
- Whatever Happened to Freckles?
- It’s a Miracle!
- Perhaps the Handsomest Doll Ever
- Still More Scrappy Ad Imagery
- Clap Hands, Here Comes Scrappy
- Introducing Scrappy
- Best Scrappyland Review Ever
- In Praise of Scrappy
- Over the Scrappy Rainbow
- From the Desk of Scrappy
- Time for Another Scrappy Cartoon
- Wrapmaster Scrappy
- Spoonin’ Scrappy
- Dick Huemer on Scrappy: The Lost Interview
- Roll Your Own Scrappy
- Scrappy and Me
- Cartoon Brew Approved
- Scrappy and Pokie
- Cash-Carrying Scrappy
- The Art of the Scrappy Pull Toy
- Let’s Watch The Little Pest
- Patterson Scrappy
- Buck O’Rue: He’s Back, Too
- Peter Falk and Scrappy: The Inevitable Connection
- Look, the First Scrappy Cartoon!
- The Return–Yes, Again–of Scrappy
- Scrappy Articles
- Scrappy in Holllywood
- Scrappy’s Important Message to America’s Camp Directors
- Scrappy and His Amazing Puppet Theater
- An Incomplete Collection of Scrappy Posters
- Meet the Mintz Staff
- Scrappy Starts a Magazine
- More Kid Stars and Scrappy
- The Great Cora Sue Collins Mystery
- Paul Etcheverry and Will Friedwald’s Scrappy
- The Lost Boy: Rediscovering Scrappy
- The National Scrappy Gallery
- The Scrappy FAQ
- Why Scrappy Matters