I’m not sure when people stopped carrying handkerchiefs. But it was certainly later than the 1930s, when Kleenex was still a relatively new invention and hadn’t yet cornered the market on nose-blowing aids. I’m guessing here, but I imagine that in the pre-tissue era, good parents made sure their kids carried hankies with them, just in case. What better way to encourage the habit than by giving them ones with featuring Scrappy, Margy, and Yippy?
These three examples are new to the Scrappyland collection. They use stock art, but someone put thought into their design: I like the 360-degree effect. They are in good condition given that they must be something like 90 years old and were meant to serve as portable germ collectors.
I’m not going to sneeze into them, of course—but I am halfway tempted to tuck one into my breast pocket the next time I wear a suit.